Community-Connectedness and the
Prevention of Trafficking

What is the project?

The Human Trafficking and Complex Trauma 201 Video Series was created by the North Dakota Council on Abused Women’s Services (NDCAWS) in partnership with the North Dakota Human Trafficking Task Force (NDHTTF) and Men As Peacemakers (MAP) as part of the VOCA regionalization grant; Empowering Providers to Empower Survivors, funded through the Office for Victims of Crime.

To access these videos, please visit

How to use the discussion guides

While this series can be used as a standalone professional training, Men As Peacemakers has created six (6) accompanying Discussion Guides to facilitate a process of learning and discussion that will result in increased understanding of community-connectedness as an individual-level and community-level protective factor against trafficking and exploitation, as well as increased collaboration between and among communities and systems involved in the local response to human trafficking. 

When used in combination with the videos, potential uses for these discussion guides include:

  • Onboarding and training of new and existing staff and volunteers;

  • Supplementary or advanced training for community-based sexual assault or domestic violence advocates who have already completed their statutorily mandated training hours;

  • Multidisciplinary team cross-training or team-building;

  • Staff training or development;

  • In preparation for developing or revising interagency protocols or organizational policies and practices; etc.

To request a digital version of these guides, or to talk with a staff member about how to use this training series with your team or organization, please complete the form below.